Monday, October 6, 2008

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Crystal Snowflakes

Posted: 06 Oct 2008 05:52 AM CDT

Ever looked at a magnified snowflake? It is truly remarkable how detailed and unique each snowflake is and how their individual designs can never be replicated. This magical creation of nature is the inspiration behind the design Save Your Ice. Croatian designer; Ljiljana Tutnjevic created the Save Your Ice design as a subtle reminder of the current Global Warming issues. The silver -crystal necklace can be broken down to form two bracelets and four rings that can be shared with our friends to encourage them to cherish and care for our environment.

Designer: Ljiljana Tutnjevic

Make Bad Habits a Bit Better

Posted: 06 Oct 2008 03:08 AM CDT

Los Angeles is stereotyped as a “health city” but the reality is it’s far from it. Sure there’s a salad bar for every McDonalds but there are also smokers and accompanying them are cigarette butts and ash. I’m not going to preach how terrible smoking is but I will say have the decency to at least properly dispose of your ciggy waste properly. The public streets are not free territory for filth. The BUG ash tray was designed for those that need a quick hit without being a mess cat. Keep your butts and ash inside the metal case and empty it when you get home.

Designer: Wiyono Sutjipto


Got a Light?

Posted: 06 Oct 2008 03:00 AM CDT

I sure do. It’s about the size of a credit card and powered by a small cell. Flip up the lightbulb shaped cut-out to switch on the soft, mellow, glow of bliss. What’s the point? Novel - next time you have a bright idea, you can have an actual lightbulb “bling!” on.

Designer: Hyun Jin Yoon & Eun Hak Lee

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