Tuesday, July 14, 2009

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Fancy Blinds Are Speakers!

Posted: 14 Jul 2009 01:39 AM PDT

The effort behind the Sound Blind Speakers is pretty sane; the designer wants us to have fancy looking speakers that don't occupy much space. In fact they resemble the blinds that we have on windows. Only thing Sound Blind also functions that ways. It rolls up and twists just like those sun-blinds! The last time I checked, I didn't see any technology that supported this theory of folding and twisting speakers! So the moral of the story is that you may have a sane intention, but your iteration may just be insane!

Designer: Wonho Bae



Sound Blind Speakers Concept by Wonho Bae

Better Than The Innovention’s Dream Home Kitchen

Posted: 14 Jul 2009 12:05 AM PDT

Wishful thinking for a home like the Disney Innovention is futile coz Neverland brought Michael only grief! It's safer to sit on the fence and review similar concepts while hoping technology will sustain the efforts one day. For example, this N1 Robot Table 2012 (farfetched?) can give the kitchen table found in the Innoventions home a run for its money. It's got stuff like touchscreen, built-in camera, internet connectivity, speed dial, music, recipes, screens, energy consumption meter, etc. The question is how many of us would want to just admire such concepts and how many would actually go out and buy something like this?

It's got the promise of being The Central Hub of your home, but tell me, do you want multiple gadgets at home or would something all-in-one suffice for you?

I would love something all-in-one but I'd be weary of it all conking-off together! Imagine, phone, computer, net, TV all out-of-order at one go!

Designer: Doyeop Kim

N1 Robot Table For The Future by Doyeop Kim










Gee Zero is my Hot Hot Telephone

Posted: 14 Jul 2009 12:01 AM PDT

Android. Google. Google Chrome. Cellphone. Mobile device. The little screen you carry around to handle all of your business. That’s where it’s at. Here we’ve got something to take your sox off. This aint no G3 phone, this isn’t even a G1 phone. It’s a G0. It’s made by our old pal Tryi Yeh who’s had 5+ items on Yanko when this post is posted! This G0 is hot gold. It’s just what you need in your pocket. I want one, so I’m amping it up.

You want a phone that does all your business, but you’re sick of those complicated butt-dialers by the name of Blackberry, and you’re not up on fruit. So you’ve got to look around. Here’s what’s up.

The G0 runs on Android and Google Chrome. It’s got a flexible oLED touch panel. A slide body, revealing the four buttons and the camera lens. High LED on back to tell status of the phone (liking this- never really liked sounds coming out of my pocket all the time):

Red Flashing - battery almost exhausted
Green - 100% cell
White Flashing - incoming call
Purple Flashing - something is wrong because the phone isn’t supposed to have purple OR Prince is calling.

Take note that this design was caught up in some email twists and turns and arrived to us a little late, woops! So it’s also on gizmodo and DVice - but we’re all pals, right? We can have some conference calls on our G0 phones, right?

Designer: Tryi Yeh

Google G0 by tryi yeh 01

Google G0 by tryi yeh 02

Google G0 by tryi yeh 03

Google G0 by tryi yeh 04

Google G0 by tryi yeh 05

Google G0 by tryi yeh 06

Google G0 by tryi yeh 07

Google G0 by tryi yeh 08

Google G0 by tryi yeh 09

Where Do Me Like to Go Today?

Posted: 14 Jul 2009 12:01 AM PDT

Everyone who reads entries here on Yanko knows that I, Chris Burns, even though born in the USA and aboding here my whole life, speak and write English terribly! I don’t do it without intention though! So I titled this entry as it is because this thang we’re talking about is called “Mee-go!” It’s a personal map and communication device. It’s made for “tweens” like Miley, but I want to need to got to have it.

Check it out. As the designer Jesse Newton explains it, the amount of fear parents have for the safety of their children has risen over the last few generations disproportionally to the crime rate. It’s still safe on da streets. But because children are over-protected, maybe, possibly, it just might be, that their amount of playing, walking home, skateboarding, etc has dropped in accordance. And kids are getting obese.

So what the Mee-go does is provide the kids with a map. With this map, (GPS even,) I thee shred. They can tear up the streets without getting lost, anywhere in the city, anywhere in the world!

And then when they get their skateboard run over by a car, they can send a message home for a ride! But in order to increase kids handwriting skills, the Mee-go is a writing pad ONLY! No texting here! You’d better be legible. Or if you can’t write, learn to illustrate. Pretty kitty!

Designer: Jesse Newton

Mee-go Personal Mapping and Communication Device for Tweens by Jesse Newton 01

Mee-go Personal Mapping and Communication Device for Tweens by Jesse Newton 02

Mee-go Personal Mapping and Communication Device for Tweens by Jesse Newton 03

Intuitive Tap

Posted: 14 Jul 2009 12:00 AM PDT

The Water Symphony Faucet is probably best for public toilets than homes coz hygiene is more of a concern in such loos. The idea is to have a faucet that is intuitive enough for you not to touch it (uggh-the bacteria!) to operate. Sensors around the mixer make it function automatically when a hand comes within range and features like water pressure and heating are adjusted via a unit installed under the sink. The tap includes a mic and an OLED screen that displays the water pressure, temperature and water consumed per wash.

The control unit under the sink includes a microprocessor for processing and saving the settings. Oh, and I almost forgot…you can actually use voice command to set the temp…like just tell it to turn the water to 27 degrees and it will be done!

Designer: Aleksandr Mukomelov




Water Symphony Faucet by Aleksandr Mukomelov

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